Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 New Year's Resolutions

Looking back at 2011 I did at least ride more than the year before, which was one of my resolutions. In 2010, I rode 141 times to just crest 4K miles commuting. In 2011, I had an accident in February ripping my glove and my hand. That plus a vacation and I didn't ride at all that month so I figured it was already over. But by just keeping at it, I managed to ride 166 times in 2011, which is 5.2K miles. It's not exact as I'm not using a GPS or cycle computer and there is some variance in my daily commute so I don't get bored but it's close enough.

In 2012, I'm shooting for 6K miles. It may not be achievable. I have a lot on my plate in 2012 but it's good to have goals, and it is possible with even riding every day. And riding every work day is impossible for me.

I also resolve to remember that each day is a gift and not to be tossed away lightly. One never knows what's coming next. To that end I will continue to spread cheer to everyone I meet. Because the more joy you spread around the better you feel.

Anyway see you out there on the road! Ride safe!

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